Cine News
SA Chandrasekhar: Vijay is surrounded by criminals, soon he will come by my side
Vijay will soon understand the poisonous web around him and come out of it. As a father, I always wish good for him, says SAC
Soon after the news speread, netizens started celebrating Thalapathy's political entry online. But that didn't last long, within the hour, Vijay released an official statement denying his involvement with his father's party and requested his fans to not support the party.
He warned that legal action will be taken against anyone who uses his name or images for political purposes. The statement shocked everyone as it was evident that Vijay was going against his father.
While Vijay went on to distance himself and his fan base from the party, turns out SAC had not only kept Vijay but his wife Shoba in the dark too about his move.
Shoba Chandrasekhar, whom SAC claimed had agreed to be the treasurer of All India Thalapathy Vijay Makkal Iyakkam has stated in the media that her husband obtained signatures from her on the pretext of forming an association.
Now, SA Chandrasekhar on the other hand seems unperturbed by all the media ruckus. He has stated that years ago when he didn’t ask Vijay’s permission to start a fans’ association, similarly he doesn’t want Vijay’s permission to register a political party. About Vijay's warning of legal actions in the event of using his name, face or fans, SAC has said, "Let Vijay send me to jail..That too is history.."
In another interview, SAC said: "Vijay will soon understand the poisonous web and come out of it. As a father, I always wish good for him. Yes, we speak once in three to four months but Vijay will soon understand that my current move is only for his betterment".
When asked about why he kept the name Vijay in the political party, without the consent of Vijay, he said, the word Vijay has another meaning - success, and among 70 of his directorial, in 50 films, he had kept the hero's name as Vijay. "It may have come in Vijay's name, but not his. He is surrounded by criminals. He will understand my good intentions", said the director.
He said that his wife and Vijay's mother has been stuck in between him and son. He concluded by saying that he is Vijay's dad, and will do nothing that will harm him. SAC said that he strongly believes that his son would come back to him, and he said through the interview he wants to convey that Vijay has to come out of the vicious circle.
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