Raja Mandhiri, directed by Usha Krishnan, a former associate of Suseenthiran featuring Kalaiyarasan, Kaali Venkat, Shalin Zoya,Vaishali an...
This family entertainer will emphasize on the prominence of brotherly affinity and sentiments. V. Mathiyalagan and R Ramya have produced the film under Etcetera Entertainment and cinematographer PG Muthiah has co-produced the film under the banner of PG Mediaworks. Auraa Cinemas is releasing it worldwide in April.
Song: Ethitha Veetu Kaliflower
Album/Movie: Raja Mandhiri
Artist Name: Kalaiyarasan , Kali Venkat , Bala Saravanan , Shaalin Zoya , Vaishali
Singer: A.C.S. Ravichandran
Music Director: Justin Prabhakaran
Lyricist: Justin Prabhakaran
Releases: Auraa Cinemas Mahesh
DOP: Muthiah
Art Direction: Rembon Balraj
Edit: Selva RK
Choreography: Bony Antony
Sound design: Suren & Alagiyakoothan
Music Label : Lahari Music
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