Dhanush is all set to work on an untitled flick which is written and directed by Balaji Mohan. The duo will be uniting...
Balaji Mohan has already set his trademark through his previous ventures, Kadhalil Sodappuvadhu Eppadi and Vaayai Moodi Pesavum. Started as a short film director, he rose to limelight through his outstanding short film "Kadhalil Sodappuvadhu Eppadi" and made a feature film of the same with Siddarth and Amala Paul in the lead roles. He, then directed Vaayai Moodi Pesavum with Dulquer Salmaan and Nazriya Nazim in the lead roles. The movie was critically acclaimed and was declared a hit, though not a blockbuster
Post KV Anand directed Anegan, Dhanush has joined the sets of Balaji Mohan film.
Dhanush posted the news in his Twitter age,
Started balaji Mohans film :) new role,new team. Sarath kumar sir and Radhika mam's Magic frames producing the film :) excited. Title soon
— Dhanush (@dhanushkraja) November 5, 2014
Shot to fame, Balaji Mohan's third film will be a fresh genre unlike his earlier movies. Kajal Agarwal is pairing opposite Dhanush in this movie.
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