Adithya Menon, known for his villain roles in films such as Eegaa, Mirchi and Billa, will be playing Rajinikanth in director Faisal Saif...
The film, which stars Kavita Radheshyam opposite Adithya, had to undergo a change in name after the previous title Main Hoon Rajinikanth got into legal trouble.
"My producer went to Chennai and showed the film to Rajini Sir's team of lawyers who found out that my film is not related to the Superstar. I am a small film maker who has made an honest film. My film's release date was very near and my producer's money was at stake. I had no options but to change it's title to Main Hoon Rajini. I am ready to face the music and show the world that a name is just an identity and not a property. But I took the decision to change the name because I cannot be responsible for my producer's losses and I don't want to hurt Rajini sir as I am one of his biggest fans," said Faisal. "I fail to understand what made the Superstar approach the court of law. They could have asked us and we would have shown them our film. Due to this baseless case, my producers faced a huge loss," said Faisal.
Main Hoon Rajini will release on October 17 all over the country.
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