Vikram’s Himalayan efforts for Ai

Everyone knows how hard Vikram has trained for his next release, directed by Shankar – Ai. Reportedly, Vikram had shed 20 kilos for the character he plays in the film by doing body weight exercises, free waves, squats, functional movements and so on.

Alkhas Joseph, who trained Vikram, in a recent interview, says, "I don't advocate protein powders, steroids or other 'short cut' approaches for actors to get that quintessential hunky look. I make them do different sets of exercises for two or three hours depending on the actor's agility. The best part of training actors is that their demands are time bound — hence, it's both challenging and fun training them."

According to sources close to the actor, Vikram loves cycling in public places with a mask on. Ai has Amy Jackson playing the female lead, and has music by AR Rahman.


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