Post successful Diwali release Pandiyanadu, Vishal and Lakshmi Menon are set to pair up once again for their upcoming...
Confirming the reports, UTV's CEO Dhananjayan tweeted, "#Naansigappumanithan or #NSM commences shooting tomorrow with Vishal,Lakshmi Menon&others by check out new look in newspprs."
Vishal's Naan Sigappu Manithan is an out and out action thriller that is written and directed by Thiru and has music by GV Prakash Kumar. Iniya, Jayaprakash, Sundar Ramu and Saranya play supporting cast in NSM, which is combine production of UTV Motion Pictures and Vishal Film Factory.
Vishal starrer that has hit floors today is expected to be wrapped up by February and makers are planning Naan Sigappu Manithan release in summer 2014.
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