Lekha Washington, who is awaiting the release of her forthcoming Tamil romantic comedy "Kalyana Samayal Saadham...
"I'm quite excited to be working with Santosh. I can't reveal much about the project but we recently met, discussed and agreed to work together. I'm yet to sign the papers though," Lekha said
Lekha also owns and runs Ajji, an odd product company. She is also a sculptor and recently launched a range of lifestyle products like furniture. She said that her work as a designer inspired Santosh to approach her.
"Santosh also loves art and design. He loved my work and expressed his interest to work with me. In a way, I can say the project is born out of my work as a designer," added the actress known for films such as "Vedam", "Unnale Unnale" and "JayamKondaan".
Meanwhile, Santosh Sivan is awaiting the release of his bilingual film, which will be released as "Inam" in Tamil and "Ceylon" in English.
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