Tamil producer C.V Kumar has acquired the remake rights of recently released Kannada independent film "Lucia...
"C.V. Kumar, producer of 'Pizza' and 'Soodhu Kavvum' now officially holds the rights to make 'Lucia' in Tamil and Telugu. They will start shooting in March," posted Pawan Kumar, director of Lucia on his Twitter page.
Reportedly made on a moderate budget of little over Rs. 50 lakhs, "Lucia" is the first crowd-funded film in Kannada.
How a magic pill called 'Lucia' changes the life of an insomniac once and for all is the crux of the film, which was released recently via PVR Director's Rare banner, and earned critical acclaim from critics and audiences alike.
Satish Neenasam, Shruthi Hariharan, Hardhika Shetty, Achyuth Kumar, Sanjay and Krishna played important roles in the film.
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