Actress Ragini Nandwani, who made her Bollywood debut with "Dehraadun Diary," has finished shooting for a T...
"I have done a Tamil film 'Thalaivaa' opposite Vijay, who is a big superstar there. Shooting has been completed from my end and it will release June. Then there are other offers, one in Hindi and another in Tamil," Ragini said here during a photoshoot.
Asked if she plans to focus majorly on southern films, Ragini said: "It depends on good work - be it Hindi or Tamil. I believe in good work at the end of the day. If it's good there, I will work there. (Currently,) I have two to three offers in south. Of course, I will do Hindi also."
Ragini is popular for playing the role of Lovely in TV show "Mrs. Kaushik Ki Paanch Bahuein".
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