Director Gokul, who last directed the Jiiva starrer Rowthiram is to start his next film titled Idharkuthane Aasaipatt...
IAB is a full-length comedy caper featuring Vijay Sethupathi in the lead and plays the lead with the character name Sumar Moonji Kumar! The two leading ladies are Swathi of Subramaniapuram fame and Nandhitha of Attakathi fame. Suri is playing a pivotal role in the film. Madhan Karki has written dialouges for the film which has Mahesh Muthusamy as the cinematographer, while Siddharth Vipin is the music composer.
IAB is produced by VS Rajkumar of Leo Visions, who produced Naduvula Konjam Pakkathai Kaanom. Shooting for ‘Idharkagathane Aasaipattai Balakumara’ will start in March and will take place in and around Chennai.
Upcoming films for Vijay Sethupathi
Soodhu Kavvum as Dass : Filming
Rummy : Filming
Pannaiyarum Padminiyum : Filming
Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara as Sumar Moonji Kumar : Pre-production
Idharkuthane Aasaipattai Balakumara is still under pre-production and he is busy with Soothu kavvum, Rummy and Pannaiyarum Padminiyum.
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