Filmmaker Anurag Kashyap, who recently lauded Tamil period-drama "Paradesi" , about affliction of tea plant...
Set in pre-independent India, "Paradesi", based on Paul Harris Daniel's English novel "Red Tea", has been directed by Bala Pazhanisaamy.
It was originally scheduled to release in December last year, but was later called off. Now, it is coming out Friday.
"Anurag Kashyap wants to release the film ('Paradesi') with English and Hindi subtitles in central and north India through his company Phantom Films Pvt Ltd," said a statement.
"Just saw Bala's 'Paradesi'. Absolutely blown by it. His best yet," Kashyap, who has himself directed successful films like "Dev D" and "Gangs of Wasseypur", tweeted recently.
The film stars Adharvaa Murali, Vedhika Kumar, Dhansika and Uma Riyaz Khan.
G.V. Prakash Kumar has composed the music for the film, which has cinematography by Chezhiyan.
Meanwhile, Kashyap is busy wrapping up his upcoming films "Ugly" and "Bombay Talkies".
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