The Hindi version of Vishwaroopam was cleared for screening first before the Tamil and Telugu versions were subjected to censorship, said...
“When a film in a particular language is cleared by the censors, the guidelines adopted there should be given priority in the case of the film in other languages. But the board should take into consideration the impact likely to be created by the dialogues and songs in the particular language of the film,” said Mr. Jinnah, on his blog.
Mr. Jinnah is a member of the DMK and former additional public prosecutor. He unsuccessfully contested from the Thousand Lights constituency in the 2011 Assembly elections.
Mr Jinnah, who came under attack from leaders of various Muslim organisations after the Board issued a certificate to the Kamal Haasan film, said the Censor Board accommodated members from all communities and they (members) would not allow their religious sentiments come in the way of judging a film.
“The Board of Film Certification has clear guidelines and any scene that will hurt the feeling of a particular community will be censored.
A team of four members in each language watched the film and cleared it for screening. Members from the Muslim community are part of the advisory boards in all the three languages.
Mr. Jinnah said a member could register his view on the film, but the views of majority of the members prevailed.
“Even if a member of the organisations that are objecting to the film Vishwaroopam is part of the advisory board, he can only register his view. Finally, only the majority view will count,” he added.
Mr. Jinnah said Islam advocated love and Indian Muslims did not support the activities of Taliban and Al-Qaida.
“Films portraying these organisations have been made in Hollywood and they continue to be the theme of many films and are cleared for screening in India. Vishwaroopam has been released in many countries after censorship. It has been released even Malayasia, an Islamic nation,” he said.
“I am not just against portrayal of Islam in negative light, but against such portrayal of all religions. In the present circumstances, the decision of the court is final and we have to wait till the order is issued. I am subjected to criticism and I consider it as a personal pain,” he added.
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