While Ajith Kumar is busy working on his next untitled film directed by Vishnuvardhan, his 53rd film to be directed by Siva of ‘Siruthai’ f...
While Ajith Kumar is busy working on his next untitled film directed by Vishnuvardhan, his 53rd film to be directed by Siva of ‘Siruthai’ fame has got a title now.
KollyInsider readers are aware that Ajith who is currently busy shooting for Vishnuvardhan's next had committed to do a movie with director Siva of Siruthai fame, a few months back. To be produced by Vijaya Productions, on the centenary year of its founder B Nagi Reddy, the film has already raised enough expectations.
The director makes an official confirmation that he has titled the film as ‘Vetri Kondaan’. After going through several titles, the makers of the movie have finalised this title. When asked the reason behind finding such a title, he says that it’s all about the significance of the actor for his journey in the film industry has been very tough and yet he has made a big mark now. It is said that the name of the film suits the image of Ajith and it will have a huge mass appeal. Hence, this name was selected, add sources.
Meanwhile, the makers of Vetri Kondaan have approached Anushka Shetty to play the female lead role. The actress is likely to give the nod for the project. Shiva is currently busy giving finishing touches to the script. A popular director in Telugu with some hit movies to his credit, Shiva hopes he could pull it off with this flick.
The regular shooting of the movie will start in December 2012.
The director makes an official confirmation that he has titled the film as ‘Vetri Kondaan’. After going through several titles, the makers of the movie have finalised this title. When asked the reason behind finding such a title, he says that it’s all about the significance of the actor for his journey in the film industry has been very tough and yet he has made a big mark now. It is said that the name of the film suits the image of Ajith and it will have a huge mass appeal. Hence, this name was selected, add sources.
Meanwhile, the makers of Vetri Kondaan have approached Anushka Shetty to play the female lead role. The actress is likely to give the nod for the project. Shiva is currently busy giving finishing touches to the script. A popular director in Telugu with some hit movies to his credit, Shiva hopes he could pull it off with this flick.
The regular shooting of the movie will start in December 2012.
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