Vijay TV launches a new show titled 'Adaiyalam' on 28 July 2012, airing every Saturday at 1230 hrs. This show takes the viewers to...
In this category, many of them have been cherished as icons in the film industry as well later on. Vijay TV takes the pride of introducing such personalities to the television industry who have later become the stars and plays an important role in the film industry now.
Apart from introducing innovative concepts like Jodi No.1, Ungalil Yaar Prabhu Dheva, Adhu Idhu Yethu, Kalakka Povathu Yaru, Neeya Naana, Nadandadu Enna, Perithinum Perithu Kael, the channel has introduced talented anchors and stars like Santhanam, Sivakarthikeyan, Jeeva, Gopinath, Jegan, Divyadarshini, Deepak, Ramya, Ma Ka Pa Anand, Rishi and many others on Vijay TV. The show Adaiyalam brings in the secret of success behind these talented anchors and stars who are in cloud nine in the small screen and the silver screen now.
Many nostalgic memories like actor Trish, the sizzling star of Tamil and Telugu industry who has done a show titled Telephone Manipol in the year 2000, Actor Prasanna in Mudhal Vanakkam in the year 2002, the popular anchor Gopinath in Makkal Yaar Pakkam in the year 2004, Jagan in Vai Raja Vai in the year 2004, popular comedy actor Santhanam in Lollu Sabha in the year 2006, RJ Senthil in Madurai in the year 2007, Sivakarthikeyan in Kalakkapovathu Yaru in 2007, Anu Hassan in Koffee with Anu in 2007 are brought forward with interesting bytes and clips of the relevant stars and shows. Adaiyalam launches on 28 July 2012, airing Saturdays between 1230 hrs – 1430 hrs.
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