The Tamil Nadu Governor His Excellency Rosiah inaugurated in the puja of the first Tamil 3D comedy film made with Stereoscope technology. ...
The puja and the first clap of this new film titled 'Ace Raja Rani Jackie and Joker' was held at a studio in Chennai with the Governor lighting traditional lamp and Silambarasan @ Simbhu clapping the board.
The film has Shaam, Allari Naresh, Vaibhav, Raju Sundram, Sneha Ullal, Neelam and Kamna Jethmalani in the lead roles and is directed by Anil Sunkura, who produced the recent Telugu hit 'Dookkudu'. Ramabrahmam Sunkura has produced the film under the banner AK Entertainment.
Music is done by Bappi Lahiri and his son Bappa Lahiri. The shoot of the film will be held in Chennai, Hyderabad, Goa and Bangkok. 'Ace Raja Rani Jackie and Joker' is a bilingual film made in Tamil and Telugu.
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