Cheran-Prasanna starrer Muran is the first Tamil film to be released worldwide by UTV Motion Pictures, one of India's most prominent...
Cheran-Prasanna starrer Muran is the first Tamil film to be released worldwide by UTV Motion Pictures, one of India's most prominent production and distribution houses, through its own network of theatre chains. UTV has earlier released more that 32 Hindi films using their network. Muran, which is all set to hit screen on September 30, will be released in USA, UK, Europe, Dubai, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia and other countries directly by UTV. The regular overseas distributors of Tamil Cinema are always limited, but with Muran, UTV broke the myth by getting good chains of theatres across the globe.
The film is directed by Rajjan Madhav, son of acclaimed Malayalam music composer Raveendran, who has earlier worked as co-director with Mysskin in Anjaathaey, Nandhalala and Yudham Sei. Rajjan's twin brother Sajjan Madhav has composed its music. Cheran and Prasanna play the lead roles in this big budget film which also features Jayaprakash, Haripriya, Nikhita and Prathap Pothan in prominent roles. wishes Muran team all the very best!
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