Fans of Ajith have decided to wage a war against piracy, starting from their Thala's 50th film 'Mankatha'. They are monitoring...
Fans of Ajith have decided to wage a war against piracy, starting from their Thala's 50th film 'Mankatha'. They are monitoring the illegal versions of 'Mankatha' music available on the web and in the market.
"Also, when the film gets released, they would keep a strict vigil to find out whether the pirated DVDs of the film are available in the market. If so, they would take up the matter to the authorities concerned," sources say.
Meanwhile, Sony Music, which has released 'Mankatha' audio, has claimed that the CDs are making record sales. "We had a record breaking pre-booking of 60%," the company said in a press release.
"Sony Music also leveraged its digital delivery infrastructure to ensure that all music lovers can access the Mankatha songs legitimately," the release said, adding: "The music rights acquisition of Mankatha is part of Sony Music's overall strategy to become a dominant player in the Tamil music industry."
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