Raana is a film which Rajnikanth is donning triple role. This film is directed by K S Ravikumar who had earlier directed Rajnikanth in fil...
Raana is a film which Rajnikanth is donning triple role. This film is directed by K S Ravikumar who had earlier directed Rajnikanth in films Muthu and Padaiyappa. A R Rahman is composing the music while Anthony is in charge of editing.
Rekha, Vidhya Balan and Deepika Padukone are the three heroines of this film. Asin was supposed to act in place of Vidhya Balan. But due to some reasons she was dropped out of the film.Similarly Bollywood actress Madhuri Dixit was also approached for a role in this film. But she refused to do it because it was the role of Rajni’s sister. Most of the shooting of the film is to take place in foreign countries.
The important news is that Rajni himself has written the story. It seems Rajni’s long time desire is to act in a historical film. The Telugu film Magadheera has motivated him to write a story on these lines.
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