On Sunday, Hollywood production giant 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, through its Indian arm Fox Star Studios India Pvt Ltd, foray...
On Sunday, Hollywood production giant 20th Century Fox Film Corporation, through its Indian arm Fox Star Studios India Pvt Ltd, forayed into Kollywood with a two-film deal with A R Murugadoss.
“We enjoyed 'Vinnaithandi Varuvaya' and it was an amazing movie. The music is great,” said Fox Star Studios India CEO Vijay Singh after a special screening of ‘VTV” Sunday evening, admitting that they were in talks with Gautham Vasudev Menon as well.
Vijay however added that their initial focus would be on movies to be made in association with Murugadoss. “We have the right contacts here, and have our own set of distributors. We also have experience producing and distributing local language films all over the world — from Russia and Germany to China, Japan, Italy and Brazil.”
Sanford Pantich, head of Fox International Productions, said, “We are very excited to enter the Tamil film industry, it looks very promising.” On his part, Murugadoss expressed happiness for joining hands with such a reputed production house.
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