Censor Board officials, who watched the film 'Nellu', have objected to many a scene in the movie, and have even suggested the dire...
Censor Board officials, who watched the film 'Nellu', have objected to many a scene in the movie, and have even suggested the director M Sivakumar to change the climax. Following this, an appeal has been filed with the revising committee.
Says Sivakumar, "Nellu is inspired by the Keelvenmani tragedy, where 42 farmers were killed in 1968. The film will be incomplete without the existing climax. So we decided to file an appeal."
He adds: "The incident is a milestone in our agrarian history, since it led to the fixing of daily wages and other rights for labours working in farm lands. It's like Jalianwala Bagh in the history of independence struggle."
On the opposition from the Censor, he says, "The four member examining committee and regional censor board officials, who watched the film earlier this week, objected to the scene where farmers are caught in a burning hut. They said it was too evocative of the Keelvenmani incident."
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