In a bid to celebrate his father, the late legendary actor Sivaji Ganesan's legacy, Prabhu is planning to hold a 'Sivaji Film Mela...
In a bid to celebrate his father, the late legendary actor Sivaji Ganesan's legacy, Prabhu is planning to hold a 'Sivaji Film Mela' at their family owned cinema hall Shanthi Theatre on Anna Salai in Chennai.
And what prompted him to do this is the re-release of Sivaji's 1964 blockbuster thriller 'Puthiya Paravai' at Shanthi Theatre Friday last, which is attracting full house crowd for the past four days.
"The response to Puthi Paravai's re-release has been tremendous. We screened the movie following requests from appa's fans to mark his ninth death anniversary," said the Nadigar Thilakam's son.
Stating that fans were requesting to hold a 'Sivaji Film Mela', Prabhu said, "We are seriously thinking about it as they are asking for a Sivaji year of movies. Quality of prints of all his films has to be checked."
Interestingly, when 'Puthiya Paravai' was released four decades ago, Sivaji was unable to screen the film in Shanthi Theatre, as Hindi film 'Sangam' was running in the cinema hall at that time.
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