Shah Rukh Khan, who attended the IPL Awards ceremony last Friday after much cajoling from the organizers and sponsor...
Shah Rukh Khan, who attended the IPL Awards ceremony last Friday after much cajoling from the organizers and sponsors, reportedly walked out of the event before the final act because cricketer Yuvraj Singh’s joke onstage offended him.
According to a source familiar with the incident, “SRK teased Yuvi about his female fan following and said they only stuck to him because of his Casanova image.”
“Yuvi retaliated by saying that women ran after him because he (SRK) was stuck to Karan. There was a hush in the audience at this comment but Shahrukh being a good sport, handled the situation well. But he made his displeasure known backstage and staged a walkout,” added the source.
The final act at the event required all the IPL team owners to be present on the stage with their respective teams but SRK was nowhere to be found.
SRK left early because of work commitments?
However, when SRK was contacted and asked about the reason for his early visit, the star maintained that he came to the function despite being very busy and left the show only after fulfilling all his duties there.
SRK also said that it was not possible for him to stay till the end of the show due to other work commitments that needed his immediate attention.
“I had made a commitment as a professional – I would do my job. And I did. I left post show because I had a shoot waiting. I had to finish it,” said Shah Rukh.
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