Kutty which has Dhanush and Shreya in the lead role is to be released on Pongal day. Dhanush has acted in the film after Yaaradi Nee Mohini....
Kutty which has Dhanush and Shreya in the lead role is to be released on Pongal day. Dhanush has acted in the film after Yaaradi Nee Mohini. This film is a remake the Telugu film Aarya.
Shreya has paired with Dhanush in this film. Jawahar who directed Yaaradi Nee Mohini is directing this film. Dhanush who had earlier donned roles like vagabond son is for the first time donning the role of a millionaire son in Kutty.
The audio of the film was launched in Chennai on 24th December. Devi Sriprasad has composed the music. The film is awarded with a U Certificate by the Censor Board.
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