Arun Vijay, one of today’s promising young heroes is working on his ‘Manja Velu’ and is gearing-up for his next that will be under his home ...
Arun Vijay, one of today’s promising young heroes is working on his ‘Manja Velu’ and is gearing-up for his next that will be under his home banner and is titled as ‘Kaaval Thurai’.
The actor is tasting success in a row after his ‘Malai Malai’, and now we hear that one of his shelved projects is being dusted out for release. ‘Thunichal’ starring Arun Vijay and directed by Majith was a project that was made in the year 2004. We hear that the project was on hold for some unknown reasons. It’s worth mentioning that Arun Vijay has complaint against the film’s makers in the Producers’ Council as they finished the dubbing of Arun Vijay’s part with dubbing artist. Looks like ‘Thunichal’ will be out soon, but Arun Vijay is taking it all sportive. He says that ‘Thunichal’ won’t affect his career graph and is preparing to fly London for his sky diving course, before he starts his work for ‘Kaaval Thurai’.
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