With certain sections claiming that a song in 'Romeo Juliet' is aimed at making fun at veteran T Rajendhar, the film's hero Ja...
"Dandanakka is a tribute to the multifaceted personality T Rajendar sir as I play the role of his fan in my upcoming movie Romeo Juliet," he said.
The actor added: "However certain videos are showing TR sir in bad light which has hurt the sentiments of people involved in this song. I sincerely request my fans to not encourage such videos & misinterpret the intention of Dandanakka."
The forthcoming Tamil film is directed by Lakshman and produced by S Nanthagopal. Vamsi Krishna, Poonam Bajwa, Uma Padmanabhan, VTV Ganesh and others are in the cast. It has D Imman's music, Soundar Rajan's cinematography and Anthony's editing.
"Romeo Juliet" will release in May 2015.
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